Register to join your club comps team
Everything under on account. Register only once to enter and manage everything.
- Join your competitions team and help run, manage, communicate with your team and members.
- Incremented access to all competition types.
- Work as a team and provide cover for your team members when needed.
- A fully cloud hosted system. Manage your club competitions from anywhere, from any device, anytime.
- Use same account for your own participation in club competitions and salons.
- Build your own website or use the FIAP App with the same registration.
- Totally mobile friendly, enter and manage competitions from your mobile phone.
Pixoroo is a "one-stop shop" for amateur photographers, photography clubs and salons.
With your Pixoroo account you can:
- Enter Photography Salons.
- Run or help running Photography Salons.
- Judge Photography Salons.
- Enter Club/Society Competitions.
- Run or help run Club/Society Competitions.
- Judge Club/Society Competitions.
- Use the FIAP App to manage your salon entries.
- Build your own photography website, non commercial or commercial.
See what you can do with Pixoroo!