Pixoroo For Clubs & Societies

Comprehensive Club Competitions Mangement System

Hello! This is where you register your club/society on pixoroo in order to run all your local club/society competitions. If you already an account with pixoroo you need to log in and register your club from within your account.

Your account details

Your details

Your club/society details

(*) Required Fields

Register to run and manage your club competitions.

All the tools you need to run and manage your club competitions.

  • Set up a season of competitions in a couple of clicks.
  • Set up your photo competitions quickly using templates.
  • Internet/browser based software, all you need is a browser.
  • No need for special software. Just log in get your job done then log out.
  • Fully responsive design allowes to carry out all functionaly via your mobile phone.
  • Pixoroo is a fully cloud based, built on latest Microsoft Technologies.
  • All Data stored on Microsoft Azure Cloud.
  • Comes with Microsoft SLA and a 99.99% guaranteed availability.
  • Prices to proportionaly to the size of the club/society. All clubs and afford pixoroo.
  • For more about pixoroo for photo clubs and societies click here.

With your pixoroo account you can:

  • Enter Photography Salons.
  • Run or help running Photography Salons.
  • Judge Photography Salons.
  • Enter Club/Society Competitions.
  • Run or help run Club/Society Competitions.
  • Judge Club/Society Competitions.
  • Use the FIAP App to manage your salon entries.
  • Build your own photography website, non commercial or commercial.

Pixoroo is a "one-stop shop" for amateur photographers, photography clubs and salons.

See what you can do with Pixoroo!