Pixoroo For Clubs & Societies

Comprehensive Club Competitions Mangement System

Hello! If you already have a pixoroo account just login. If you are coming here for the first time you need to register first. Please click the Member Registration button below first to create an account.

One log in does everything!

With your pixoroo account you can:

  • Enter Photography Salons.
  • Run or help running Photography Salons.
  • Judge Photography Salons.
  • Enter Club/Society Competitions.
  • Run or help run Club/Society Competitions.
  • Judge Club/Society Competitions.
  • Use the FIAP App to manage your salon entries.
  • Build your own photography website, non commercial or commercial.

Pixoroo is a "one-stop shop" for amateur photographers, photography clubs and salons. Learn More...

See what you can do with Pixoroo!


Log in

Not registered to enter competitions with pixoroo yet? Click Member Registration below to register and enter now.

Member Registration

Click Club/Society Registration to register as a club/society and create/manage competitions.

Note! You need to have an account with us in order to enter or run and manage club competitions. Create your account by clicking the appropriate link above.