The FIAP App

Comprehensive FIAP Entries Mangement Application

The Perfect Tool for the managing your FIAP Entries

The FIAP App is built to help anyone that enters FIAP Salons manage their entries. The FIAP App can help you get to your next distinctions faster, the FIAP App can save you quite a bit of money. No more guessing, chasing salons for results, looking for results emails, making sense of your very complicated spreadsheet full of numbers and image titles! If you already have achived FIAP Distinctions you can set those distinctions retrospectively on the App and start from where you are.

Why FIAP App?

Anyone who has ever applied for a FIAP Distinction knows the complexity of the process. We enter images in salons around the world. It takes many years of hard work not just taking pictures and entering them into salons but keeping track of all your entries. Then there are rules about titles, rules about countries, acceptances, awards, prints, dossier images, accumulations, what is acceptable what is not! And when we forget acceptances or make a mistake in titling, recording etc.. it takes you longer to get to the distinction and it costs more money.

The FIAP App asks you to upload the images to the app which is a bit of work as you are duplicating the entering process, although much simpler, but that is it. Once your entries are in the FIAP App you are done. Look at the table above, when you record your entries and results in The FIAP APP you get real time stats about where you are. How many acceptances you need to the next distinction, how many unique works, how many countries etc. is right in front of you. These stats are very useful as they guide you which salons to enter next to speed up your success.

When you have met the criteria all you have to do is three clicks!

  • Click the Application Button to download you ready filled application
  • Click the Dossier button to select and download the images you need to send a part of your application's dossier.
  • Click on the Thumbs Button to print the sheets of thumbnail of your unique works.
That is it, zip them up and off to the FIAP Liason officer!


The FIAP App Interfaces

The FIAP App has several simple and useful interfaces

  • Salons List - this shows the FIAP Salons listing as it is in the main FIAP Website. This is where you select or add to wish list salons you wish to enter.
  • My Salons - This is a list of salons that you have entered and has links you can dive down for more stats.
  • My Wish List - This is a list of salons you wish to enter!
  • My Stats - Shows live stats of where you are against your next target distinction. See figure above for a sample.
  • My Fiap Library - This interface contains a gallery and a grid showing every image as well as stats such as how many times an image have been entered, how many acceptances has it achieved, etc.. You can also download the right resolution image from the library and upload it to another salon.
  • The Master Record - As the name suggest this is a list of every single entry and every single entry detail, stats etc.. You can download a spreadsheet of all your entries, download images etc..
  • My Details - This is a record of your personal details that are used to fill in your FIAP application.
  • My FIAP Journey - FIAP is a photography journey. This interface enables you to see where you are in that yourney. If you already have a distinction you can use this functionality to set it retrospectively. (See figure below for a sample)

There are other interfaces presented by the FIAP App such as galleries of entries, results entry page, image display page with all the stats for the selected image and more.

The Fiap Journey Interface