Pixoroo For Clubs & Societies

Comprehensive Club Competitions Mangement System

Modernising the judges work!

Sometimes the Clubs require judges to preview the entries before the actual judging, sometimes the judges themselves ask to see the entries prior to the adjudication day. For these clubs and judges, Pixoroo provide a comprehesive service, making the whole process simple and smooth.

Judge Previewing and Pre-judging

Pixoroo offers two type of pre-judging interfaces for the judges depending on the type of scoring. If the scoring is of type "holdback" the judge can assign First, Second, Third, Highly Commended and Commended award to the images. The awards are on a dropdown list. A comment box is also provided for the judge to type any comments. If the corring is of type "points" as in the picture below, the judge can assign any score to the images from the scored buttons. A comment box is also available. The judge can score and recore the images until the real judging day. Once the real judging has taken place. The judge has still access to the images but not to the scoring interfaces. The judge can view the images and scores anytime. The judge can also download a spreadsheet with the images titles in the right order and score the entries on the printed sheet if this is preferred.