Beyond Group 17th National Exhibition 2024 logo

Beyond Group 17th National Exhibition 2024

List of all awards and acceptancies for all the sections.

Awards Gallery Acceptances Gallery

1160 Acceptances 96 Awards


Gold Medal

Spinning From Rings by Andy Gutteridge - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Papillon Returns by Martin Horton - United Kingdom


Selector Award

In The White Room by Alan Walker MPAGB, ARPS,ABPE,MPSA,EFIAP - United Kingdom


Selector Award

The Brotherhood by Jayne Mapp BPE3* LSWPP - United Kingdom


Chairperson Award

Grounded In Space by Pete Thomas - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Just Three by Janice Wilding - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Cornering by Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2 - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

I See You by Kirsty Cussens - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

The Apocethary by Gillian Steyn BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP EPSA - England


Highly Commended

Camargue White Horses And Cowboy by Peter Smith ARPS - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

As Soft As Silk by Gordon Watson ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, PPSA - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

The Stag Do by Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE5 - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Scarlet 289 Flying Jw by Eddie Leach DPAGB - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Liverpool Metropolitan by Chris Evans AWPF , BPE3 ,AFIAP - Wales


Highly Commended

Gannets Gathering by Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB - England


Highly Commended

Family Photo by Aleks Gjika EFIAP DPAGB - United Kingdom



Wave Wall by Aleks Gjika EFIAP DPAGB - United Kingdom



Winter In Norway by JOHN SIMPSON - United Kingdom



Playing With Butterflies by Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB - England



High Bar In Red by Sue Lenton CPAGB - United Kingdom



Unstoppable by Eddie Leach DPAGB - United Kingdom



I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty by Martin Horton - United Kingdom



Lady Skier by Steve Johnson CPAGB, BPE3* - United Kingdom



Sheep In Snow by Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA - United Kingdom



Three Hares In Snow by Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA - United Kingdom



Swan Lake by Christine Tidman EFIAPB CPAGB BPE4* AWPF - United Kingdom



The Offload by Martin Gray LRPS - Channel Islands



Splashes Of Pink by Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE5* - United Kingdom


Best Beyond Group Member

Mel Woods In The Rain by Peter Milsom EFIAP/G DPAGB BPE5* AWPF - England


Special Theme

Hare Conditioning by Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE5 - United Kingdom


Martin Gray LRPS The Firefighter The Offload Tony Wills ARPS Carousel Honfleur
Kath Aggiss ABPE Green Heron With Tiddler Nicholas Alston ARPS AWPF DPAGB BPE3* Ouch Powerful Left Jab Break Through Got Yah Hilary Bailey DPAGB, LRPS, BPE1* Sunken Wreck PHILLIP BARBER MPAGB FBPE Dark Knight In Gotham Siren Forest Fun Haydn Bartlett FSINWP LSWPP DPAGB BPE1 Skye Jumping For A Ball Roger Bradshaw BPE4* CPAGB Framed Through The Dust john bragg NONE 1Danceballerenadance Trevor Clifford ARPS BPE2* Sunflowers Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2 Winter Field Corner Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB Off Balance Peace And Quiet Peaty Going For Gold Gavin Duxbury BPE3* CPAGB Hoar Frosted Trees Mark The Machine Miles Julie Hall CPAGB, BPE3, QPSA Spotted Orchid, Pastel Shades Jay Hallsworth DPAGB, EPSA, EFIAP/B, BPE4 Ballet Montage Erica Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB Snow Leopards Rhino Mum And Calf Gannets Gathering Playing With Butterflies John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5 Me And My Cart STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* Tin Tin Ho National Champion Barbara Jones LRPS Leucojum Barbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/S AWPF Barefoot And Pregnant The Siren Ruth Lochrie CPAGB, BPE3* I Need More On The Up-1 Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Over The Top Robert Millin MFIAP, EFIAP/D3, MPSA, GPU ZEUS, FBPE Brazilian Elegance Kitchen Maid Close Finish Peter Milsom EFIAP/G DPAGB BPE5* AWPF Cindy Sember British Championships 2024 Adam Burgess Mel Woods In The Rain Christopher Netton Dazzling Display Of Opulance Temptress Beauty In Desolation Ann Nissen BA HONS, ARPS, GM.APS The Boudoir Suzanne Parsons LRPS Pink Orchid Paul Smith DPAGB AWPF LSINWP BPE5 Sliding Tackle Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP/B BPE5 The Stag Caller Gillian Steyn BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP EPSA In Search Of A Tasty Tit Bit The Apocethary Barry Thompson LRPS, DPAGB, BPE4* The Daily Dilemma jonathan Vaines JV Measuring Up Sue Vernon DPAGB. BPE4* The Last Fence Bailing Out Determination Carol Watson DPAGB ABPE EFIAP PPSA A Winters Day Dancing The Light Fandango Just An Illusion jennifer margaret. webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/P BPE 5 Damsel In Trouble Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP Standards Have Declined At The Wi Chrissie Westgate FRPS Displaced. Konjak Sisters Zola carole wetherley CPAGB BPE3* Pocketwatch Explosion Beauty Of The Snowdrop Kevin wiliams DPAGB BPE3*AWPF Gyr Falcons On Ben Nevis Icelandic Horses At Dawn Jane Wiltshire DPAGB, BPE3 The Yellow Tulip
Gordon Doughty AFIAP BPE2 Running Before The Squall Bruce Harley EFIAP/B, C***MOL, DPAGB, BPE4* Rickshaw For Hire Viking Raid And Pillage bob humphreys EFIAP,DPAGB,BPE2 In The Tube Jim Stevenson EFIAP, BPE4, CPAGB Blowing A Hoolie How Low Can You Go Supergran Keith Thorburn EFIAP/B LRPS CPAGB Me And My Trout
Peter Adams FIPF DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP Mischkah In Red Terri Adcock LRPS DPAGB EPSA EFIAP/S Leopardess Victoria Andrews ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS Desert Horse Unlucky 7 Crashes Out Bryan Averill Beach Riders Colour Coordinated Coming Out Of Transition Snowboarder Jennifer Bailey Milky Way Over Sycamore Gap Kevin Barnes DPAGB BPE5 A Bedtime Story Nosedive The Meadow Trepidation janice Barton CPAGB BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP Butterflies And Babies Stephen Bavill Osea Beach Huts Nigel Bealey ARPS CPAGB The Red Racer David Beardmore Spiraling Upwards Robert Bell BPE1* Short Eared Owl Hunt Pam Bennett BPE2 Clockwork Orange David Bennion Out!! Elisa Best Yawning Leopard Craig Bevington BPE1*, CPAGB Still A Rebel Forlorn Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2 Match Point Murray Cornering Sue Blythe Flying Dog And Ball Jan Bond CPAGB Under Sail On The Norfolk Broads Stephen Borman Under My Umbrella Tom Bowett FRPS BPE3 Flower Fantasy Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA Chambers Taking The Victory Natasha In Turban Sheep In Snow Three Hares In Snow Raymond Keith Brammall ARPS EFIAP/G DPAGB APAGB Point Of Release Gill Brett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* Hyacinth Bouquet Carole Brown LRPS, AFIAP View From Manhattan Bridge Manhattan Twilight Robert Buchan CPAGB, BPE1 Bear Hug Paul Buckley CPAGB Tough Mudder Ken Bunch Predator Nigel Byrom LRPS CPAGB BPE2 Deserted 2 Laurie Campbell MFA MFIAP FIPF DPAGB The Waiting Game Hold Onto Your Horses Living In Harmony Michele Campbell CPAGB. BPE3 Fishing Buddies Carl Campbell Looking Over My Shoulder Linda Fruhvirtova - Is That It Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE5* Just One Step Closer Two Shakes Eddie Cocozza ABPE CPAGB One Moonlit Night Scott Coe BP3* AWPF Windsurfer Getting Air Phil Cole LRPS CPAGB Black Church Green Sky Morants Curve Airborne In Kimbolton Castle STEPHANIE COOK LRPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP/S Its In My Sights Les Cornwell LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Power Surge St Pauls From Millenium Bridge Tony Cowburn August Bank Holiday Ferg Cowhig DPAGB, EFIAP/B, BPE5* Avon Storm Winter Back Loop Ready For Backward Loop Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP AWPF PPSA Mischka Dance Tryptich Cuban Ballet Dancer Dancer In Black And White Skirt The Embrace Christopher Cross LRPS BPE1 Charlotte Louisa Crossley Pretty In Pink Derek Crunkhorn LRPS, CPAGB, BPE3* Climb High Above The Clouds Kirsty Cussens I See You Ann Dallaway Blown Away James Dalrymple Awestruck Sheelagh Davidson CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3*, LRPS Everything Stops For Tea The Muse Chris Dawson CPAGB Solitary Wing Foiler Alison Dean LRPS BPE3 Emerging Christine Dickinson Dickinson DPAGB,BPE4*,EFIAP,EPSA,GPUCR2,L.APS/B Despair Andrew John Donkin CPAGB BPE4* Digging Deep Steve Dormer DPAGB, BPE2*, AFIAP The Librarian The Spice Merchant Paul Dunmall Dean Harrison Jacqueline Evans The Siblings Ballet Trio The Gundog_ Belinda Ewart CPAGB Take Heed Lesley Fidell Navigating The Course Six Spot Burnets Catherine Fowler BPE1 The Watchful Eye Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE5* Pastel Aqua Seedheads Splashes Of Pink Roger Geldard DPAGB, ABPE All Eyes On The Ball Bmx Racers Bowled No 51 Dennis Gilman BPE3* Daisy Chain Bridge Sandy Gilmour DPAGB; BPE2; ASINWP No Fear Aleks Gjika EFIAP DPAGB Drama At The Lighthouse Family Photo Wave Wall Tom Glancz EFIAP,BPE4,CPAGB,PSA3* Deroulede Concentration Mark Glenister CPAGB, BPE3* Scarlet & Lace The Chips Are Down Brian Goode Battersea By Night John Gravett Tipsy Pubs George Gray CPAGB, BPE1 Manhattan Sunrise Andy Gutteridge V High Flying High Dismount Spinning From Rings John Haddon Faded Roses Ii Bill Hall DPAGB EFIAP FBPE Aqualine On The Nose Paul Harrison BPE2* AFIAP Preparing For The Morning Shift Paul Hayward AFIAP DPAGB LRPS The Lost And The Alone Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* Indian Potter Jane Henthorn Hurdler 305 Jennifer Hibbert BPE2* EFIAP/G MPAGB AWPF Dreamy Janette Hill LRPS AWPF BPE3 Prayer Time Red Eyed Tree Frog Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS,CPAGB,BPE3 Blue Cathy Holgate Above The Shard Perfect Balance Martin Horton Still Life With Blossom Papillon Returns I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty MUNIER HOSSAIN Praying Mantis Dee Hounslea The Apple Snaffler Jayne Hutchings CPAGB BPE1 The Clownette Peter Hyett BPE2, ARPS, EFIAP/B A Casual Glance Dean Irvine DPAGB BPE4 LIPF Hells Coming With Me Guardians Of The Forest WENDY IRWIN AFIAP ARPS CPAGB BPE2* 1An Extension Too Far Steve Johnson CPAGB, BPE3* Lady Skier Eileen Jones CPAGB, BPE4 Eyes On The Ball Gill Jones BPE3* Dance Of The Ice Princess Dave Jowitt AWPF EFIAP/B BPE1 Jess And Jackdaw Tim Keenan Elle Andrew Knight The Three Fates Julie Knowles The Huntress Alun Lambert BPE3 Out Of The Dust Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE4 The Catch E J Lazenby EFIAP/G AWPF FMPA DPAGB BPE5 In Profile Black Country Rug Maker Pearl And Silver Eddie Leach DPAGB Alfie Carter One To Go Sam Talbot Plant And Take Off Scarlet 289 Flying Jw Unstoppable Sue Lenton CPAGB Flying High High Bar In Red Ken Lester DPAGB BPE3 AWPF The Punk Girl Oscar Having Fun Bringing The Ball Judith Carole Macbeth CPAGB BPE2* AFIAP The Goatherd Maria Macklin The Beltane & Pop Curiosity Cabin - South Bank London Dee Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Sea Nettle Brian Maguire LRPS Sabrina Aurora Peter Maguire LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* Geranium Dream Phil Mallin The Alchemist Red Lips sharron manson Bluebells Physalis On Rocks Physalis Reflection Jayne Mapp BPE3* LSWPP The Scramble Sunday School The Brotherhood Steve Marriott CPAGB BPE1* Teigan Carol Martin LRPS, DPAGB, BPE1 Alstromerias It's Anyone's Race Mary Maynard BPE3 CPAGB Under The Sea Brian McClure DPAGB, EFIAP, AIPF, LRPS, BPE5 The Show Must Go On Up And Over David Mckay ARPS, BPE5 Descaling Fish Dhaka Fish Market Master And Apprentice Carol McNiven Young FRPS, EFIAP/S, DPAGB, ABPE The Moon's A Balloon To Sleep, Perchance To Dream Pierrot marcia mellor ABPE DPAGB AWPF Fred CHRIS MONCRIEFF CPAGB BPE4 EFIAP/G LRPS GM.APS Storm Ciaran Edward Montgomery CPAGB Full Throttle Gillian Moon Marbled Godwit Stroll Marbled Godwit Beauty Stephen Moon Royal Terns Mating Reddish Egret Tossing Catch Nigel Morgan Rajasthan Wash Day Karen Morris LRPS The Ballerina Anna Moss BPE2* Bridge To Infinity philip newman ARPS AFIAP BPE4 China White Raven And Crow. Mark Newman The Face Of Determination Lyn Newnham Dipper With His Eye On A Fly Male Bearded Reedling Feeding On Seeds Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE5 Hen Night Kicked Bucket, New Life The Stag Do Hare Conditioning Gill O'Meara DPAGB BPE3 Passing From The Tackle Stumped Walkies Norman O'Neill EFIAP/B DPAGB BPE5* Tulip Demise Keith Orr Dandelion Drop Helen Otton BPE4*, CPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS All Calm At Kerkini Dianne Owen Lightening Bench-Tree Copy Steven Parrish Cleethorpes Phil Peat CPAGB EFIAP, BPE3* Concentration This Has Got To Be The Winner Simon Peters Bowled John Phillips BPE4 West Entrance The Inside Story Kevin Pigney ARPS DPAGB His Masters Voice 2 Ian Pinn Eriskay Pony Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/B BPE3* Let There Be Guitar Somdutt Prasad EPSA, AFIAP Dark Beauty 2 Michael Purvis En Pointe In A Pink Tutu Sandra Robertson BPE1 Burrowing Owl Mike Rose Saftly Back To Harbour Jeremy Roussak ARPS Yezo Red Fox margot rowlands BPE2 Forest Maiden Behind The Gaze Out Of The Frame Claire Russell BPAGB, BPE1 Pale Tulips Aamir Sabzwari DPAGB Maximum Thrust Precision Tactics Focussed On The Perfect Return Air Trick Rotation Mick Sadler ARPS BPE1 Lighting The Way Tess Salmon LRPS CPAGB BPE 1 The Love Of A Good Book Claire Schreuder BPE3, EFIAP High Jumper Thirty Three vincent scothern EFIAP PPSA DPAGB BPE5 Eyes On The Prize Nicola Scott CPAGB BPE1* Iris Golden Staircase ketan shah DPAGB BPE5 Catch Me If You Can Pamela Sheldon AWPF, BPE1, AFIAP Some Privacy Please Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB Arctic Fox In Snow Pam Sherren AFIAP/P DPAGB ABPE Black Hen Cafe JOHN SIMPSON Drftwood Snowstorm Track To Acacia Tree Winter In Norway Mark Sims BPE4* ARPS CPAGB Bude Sea Pool Peter Smith ARPS Camargue White Horses Your Having A Laugh Dovercourt Lighthouse Sunset Camargue White Horses And Cowboy Gillian Smith CPAGB BPE2* The Farrier Keith Snell EFIAP EPSA LRPS Crossed Janet Elizabeth Taylor CPAGB, BPE1, BPE2, BPE3 Musical Inspiration Pete Thomas Grounded In Space Michael Thornton Teresa Happy With Her Jump Christine Tidman EFIAPB CPAGB BPE4* AWPF Blue Hyacinth In Teapot Tempestous Seas Swan Lake David Travis ARPS BPE4* The Winning Moment No Planet B Learning To Fly Fatherly Advice Mike Troth BPE3 Remember The Fallen Robert Turley LRPS, BPE 3, CPAGB, EPSA Competitor No. 32 Martin Vaughan FRPS, BPE5* Awesome Resilience Ken Wade ABPE, DPAGB, LRPS Focussed High Ball Coming Down Para Olympian Polly Maton Jumps Paul Wagstaff ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE*3 Think Ahead Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB AFIAP BPE4* Roadblock Sandra Walker AFIAP BPE4 CPAGB Still Waiting Alan Walker MPAGB, ARPS,ABPE,MPSA,EFIAP In The White Room Gordon Watson ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, PPSA The Debutante A Pretty Penny The Reading Room As Soft As Silk Peter West Iron Fey And Maverick Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB MFIAP APAGB An Age Of Elegance, Bangladesh Sue White BPE3 Waiting Patiently Was It A Good Night Ladies Hestia - Goddess Of Fire Len White CPAGB BPE5* Riding The Wave Michael Whitehead She's On Fire Michael Whittaker CPAGB BPE4* Ballerina And The Butterfly Waiting For The Cue LES WIGGIN AFIAP, BPE2 Pack Up The Moon Janice Wilding Pink Peonies Just Three Andrea Wilson CPAGB, BPE3 Watcher In The Mist Waiting Patiently Christine Wood LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Eyes On The Prize Dinas Dinlle Gone To Seed Icelandic Horses At Stokksnes Beach ALAN YOUNG EFIAP/D3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB PPSA ES.CPE Houdet Stretches Off Court Lure Of Gold 2
Chris Evans AWPF , BPE3 ,AFIAP Liverpool Metropolitan julia hodson AFIAP BPE1 Feeling Blue Florence And Mabel Robert Prenton Jones BPE 5 EFIAP D/1 AWPS Curiosity Opulence Venetian Moneylender Richard Walliker LRPS At Rest

Gold Medal

Vestrahorn And Grasses by Christine Wood LRPS CPAGB BPE3* - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Tiger Mum And Cubs by Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB - England


Selector Award

The Barrel Racer by Victoria Andrews ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS - United Kingdom


Selector Award

The Guardians by PHILLIP BARBER MPAGB FBPE - England


Chairperson Award

Two Trees by Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2 - England


Highly Commended

Avid Readers by E J Lazenby EFIAP/G AWPF FMPA DPAGB BPE5 - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

No Shelter Here by Suzanne Parsons LRPS - England


Highly Commended

Sea Defence Caister by Robert Holgate CAPGB BPE1 - England


Highly Commended

Lady In White by Carolyn Whetton - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

How To Escape This Life by Mike Troth BPE3 - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Return Ball by Ken Wade ABPE, DPAGB, LRPS - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

The Travellers by Sheelagh Davidson CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3*, LRPS - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

The Local Gossip by Laurie Campbell MFA MFIAP FIPF DPAGB - United Kingdom



Millimeters From The Post by Mark Newman - United Kingdom



Musing by Barry Thompson LRPS, DPAGB, BPE4* - England



Molly Caudery Breaks National Record by Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA - United Kingdom



Triple-Owlets by Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2 - United Kingdom



Diagonals by Michael Purvis - United Kingdom



Hanging Tight by Aamir Sabzwari DPAGB - United Kingdom



Eyes Of A Clown by Peter Adams FIPF DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP - United Kingdom



Giraffe Under The Acacia Tree by Christine Holt LRPS DPAGB BPE3* - United Kingdom



Dried Sea Holly by Carol Watson DPAGB ABPE EFIAP PPSA - England


Best Beyond Group Member

Nathan Maguire by Peter Milsom EFIAP/G DPAGB BPE5* AWPF - England


Special Theme

Urban Scooter Flip by David Hopes DPAGB EFIAP BPE1 - Wales


Kath Aggiss ABPE He's Not So Tough In Conference Pot Washing Nicholas Alston ARPS AWPF DPAGB BPE3* I Mean It Super Middleweight Battle On The Chin Bw Take That PHILLIP BARBER MPAGB FBPE Pure Focus Eyes On The Ball The Guardians Andrew Baxter On The Lip Stuart Chapman ARPS Ouch Trevor Clifford ARPS BPE2* Brown Hare Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2 Along The Edge In A Snow Storm Two Trees Wayne Davey AWPF DPAGB BPE5* City Of Arts On The Chin Chimp Thoughts Mono 1600X1200 Judi Dicks DPAGB,ABPE Stepping Out John Dodkins LRPS BPE3* Lone Tree Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB Gujarati Street Vendor Peter Elliston EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Faith 3 Linda Gates LRPS CPAGB Orchid In Vase Almost Over Jay Hallsworth DPAGB, EPSA, EFIAP/B, BPE4 Dovercourt Mystery Girl Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB Fox Cubs In Snow Hares In The Meadow Tiger Mum And Cubs Karen Higton Evening All Robert Holgate CAPGB BPE1 Sea Defence Caister STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* Framing The Shot Nele Gilis Of Belgium Neil Kingsbury BPE3*, CPAGB, EFIAP/S Ballet In The Rain Christine Mallett BPE3* CPAGB AFIAP Love Or Hate Robert Millin MFIAP, EFIAP/D3, MPSA, GPU ZEUS, FBPE Disinterested Joe Fraser Dismounts Joy Of Cage Fighting Self Raising Flour Power Peter Milsom EFIAP/G DPAGB BPE5* AWPF Micheal Mccabe In The Rain Sammie Kinghorne In The Rain Nathan Maguire David Morement CPAGB BPE1* Perez Is Feeling Stressed Steve Myall EFIAP/B BPE5 Contact Suzanne Parsons LRPS Cobweb No Shelter Here Chris Pugh CPAGB, DPAGB, BPE1*, BPE2* Having A Cross To Bare Gurjeet Seera The Unicorn Whisperer Gillian Steyn BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP EPSA Majestic Steed Barry Thompson LRPS, DPAGB, BPE4* Musing John Thorndike BPE5 EFIAP/S Showing Off jonathan Vaines JV Silence Carol Watson DPAGB ABPE EFIAP PPSA After A Hard Day Taking To The Floor Dried Sea Holly Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP View From The Balustrade The Model Family carole wetherley CPAGB BPE3* Looking Through Broken Glass
Rikki O'Neill FRPS FIPF MPAGB The Announcement Timetable
Peter Adams FIPF DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP Eyes Of A Clown Victoria Andrews ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS Corner Pep Talk Gymnast With Ribbon The Barrel Racer Charles Ashton FRPS EFIAP/P BPE5 MPAGB Gants Hill Anita Ashworth LRPS BPE 2 AFIAP Carla In White Bryan Averill Happiness Is... Zara Bampton AFIAP Georges The Maine Coon Kevin Barnes DPAGB BPE5 Maelstrom janice Barton CPAGB BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP Groth Queen My Ship David Belton ARPS Tulip Staircase Craig Bevington BPE1*, CPAGB Blown Away Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2 Eyes On The Road Horse Power Triple-Owlets Marie-Ange Bouchard ARPS CPAGB BPE1 Cosmos With Two Buds Cyril Boyd EFIAP/G MPSA2 DPAGB BPE4 LIPF Strength Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA Three Little Owls And A Mouse Molly Caudery Breaks National Record Raymond Keith Brammall ARPS EFIAP/G DPAGB APAGB Over Together Gill Brett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* Tasha David Brown ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/B BPE2 Sanderling Beachcombing Paul Buckley CPAGB The Finish Line And So To Bed Ken Bunch The Girl With The Serpent Earrings Michael Byrne The Opera House Nigel Byrom LRPS CPAGB BPE2 Cloud In Window Laurie Campbell MFA MFIAP FIPF DPAGB Chance Meeting The Bashful Brother The Local Gossip susan Carter AWPF CPAGB,BPE1, AFIAP Ophelia And Her Horse Relaxed Leopard Phil Cole LRPS CPAGB Black Sand White Snow At Vestrahorn STEPHANIE COOK LRPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP/S The Three Graces Alan Cork EPAGB EFIAP/B PPSA LRPS BPE3* Nutcracker Spat Audrey Couchman AFIAP CPAGB BPE4* St Tomaz In A Sea Of Mist Ferg Cowhig DPAGB, EFIAP/B, BPE5* Trees And Misty Sunrise Angela Cripps Twisted Tree In The Mist Kirsty Cussens Horseboarding James Dalrymple Shingle Street Sheelagh Davidson CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3*, LRPS Versatility The Travellers Alison Dean LRPS BPE3 Nature Study Andrew John Donkin CPAGB BPE4* Determination Tim Downton ARPS DPAGB Bike 82 David Elder LRPS CPAGB AFIAP Hoi An Lady Jacqueline Evans Vestrahorn, Iceland Arnarstapi, Iceland Mary Fish DPAGB, BPE3 Heron With An Itch Barry Foster BPE2 CPAGB Out To Sea Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB BPE2 Klandestine Christine Frost CPAGB BPE3* Cambridge Takes The Lineout Richard Fulcher CPAGB BPE5* Force Of Nature Saman Gareeb CPAGB BPE1 Jumping A Puddle Roger Geldard DPAGB, ABPE Enjoying A Nighttime Drink The Look Nigel Gidney DPAGB QPSA BPE2* The Flyer Tim Gilbert ARPS DPAGB MPSA Riding Through The Sandstorm The Way Is Shut Tom Glancz EFIAP,BPE4,CPAGB,PSA3* Yexin Mag Serving Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/G DPAGB BPE3 Egg With Bottle John Gravett Oysterbeds, Solway Firth George Gray CPAGB, BPE1 Misty Morning At The Bandstand Andy Gutteridge The Eyes Have It Indoor 60 Meter Sprint Finish Bradley Focussed David Halliburton CPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE2* GPUCR2 No Going Back R6 Paul Hayward AFIAP DPAGB LRPS #Power Circles Of Your Mind Christine Holt LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Pied Kingfisher Giraffe Under The Acacia Tree Martin Horton Positano The Morning Commute, Kashmiri Style David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4 Innocence Peter Hyett BPE2, ARPS, EFIAP/B A Welcoming Guide Dean Irvine DPAGB BPE4 LIPF Hey There MALCOLM JOHN DPAGB BPE2 Daisie's Tim Keenan Black Beauty Bernice Kelly AFIAP LRPS BPE2 That's A Sight! Charles Kidd BPE4,EFIAP,DPAGB Male Sparrow Hawk In Mono Tillman Kleinhans ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE5* HONLCPU Face In The Architecture Guarding The Way Andrew Knight Natasha Maxwell Knowles DPAGB, BPE3* You Shall Not Pass Pedro Landers CPAGB Little Egret Orange Tip On Cuckoo Flower Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE4 Four Battling At The Bend E J Lazenby EFIAP/G AWPF FMPA DPAGB BPE5 Garrocha Duet Avid Readers Eddie Leach DPAGB Intensity The Shot Putter Sue Lenton CPAGB Under The Ruk Ken Lester DPAGB BPE3 AWPF One Slip For A Swim Ken Lomas BPE 5 A Hit And A Miss And Levitating Bails Eyeballing It Eyes Closed Judith Carole Macbeth CPAGB BPE2* AFIAP Peeping Beauty Maria Macklin Architectual Elegance Regina Manso de Zuniga CPAGB Grand Entrance Jayne Mapp BPE3* LSWPP Watching Ewe Home And Dry Blackbird Alone Simon Marsh BPE1 All Pile On Gilbert Carol Martin LRPS, DPAGB, BPE1 There's No Escape Brian McClure DPAGB, EFIAP, AIPF, LRPS, BPE5 Oh Dear Columbine Weary Clown Carol McNiven Young FRPS, EFIAP/S, DPAGB, ABPE The Puppeteers Natural Beauty marcia mellor ABPE DPAGB AWPF Curves CHRIS MONCRIEFF CPAGB BPE4 EFIAP/G LRPS GM.APS Storm Ciaran Newhaven karen morris Horses In The Snow Heysham Cooling Towers Anna Moss BPE2* All That Remains Mark Newman Millimeters From The Post Paul O'Donnell It's In Her Eyes Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE5 Eyes On The Line The Chase Gill O'Meara DPAGB BPE3 The Missed Tackle Keith Orr Winter In The Dales Helen Otton BPE4*, CPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS Lisianthus Steven Parrish Egret Dispute Phil Peat CPAGB EFIAP, BPE3* Ball Watching Simon Peters Ippon Throw Which Way Kevin Pigney ARPS DPAGB Best Buddies Ian Pinn Lewis Life Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/B BPE3* Emotional Vocals Rock Chick Somdutt Prasad EPSA, AFIAP Black And White Michael Purvis Diagonals George Robertson DPAGB, BPE3* Museum Of Liverpool Jeremy Roussak ARPS Lone Tree margot rowlands BPE2 Passion Looking Beyond Aamir Sabzwari DPAGB A Tense Return Trying Times Hanging Tight vincent scothern EFIAP PPSA DPAGB BPE5 Low Tackle Nicola Scott CPAGB BPE1* Lillies John Scotten ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Kneeling Nude Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB Arctic Fox In Light Snow Joan Sheppard AFIAP, DPAGB,BPE3 Bonding The Widow Penny Simpson CPAGB Pope With Rope JOHN SIMPSON Millenium Bridge Mark Sims BPE4* ARPS CPAGB The Chapel Suzanne Slee AWPF, BPE** Whiteford Lighthouse Peter Smith ARPS Pinmill In Fog Hugh Spence CPAGB EFIAP/B Leaning Back On The Block Mike Taylor Under The Tree Barbara Thompson BPE1 BPAGB Shambles By Moonlight Waiting For The Wife Christine Tidman EFIAPB CPAGB BPE4* AWPF Finishing Touches The Dancers Swan Lake Rob Totty Come Ere You David Travis ARPS BPE4* Walkie Talkie Building Crossing Over Ron Trevis BPE3* Church With A Modern Twist Snake Bird (Anhinga) At Sunset Mike Troth BPE3 How To Escape This Life Martin Vaughan FRPS, BPE5* Two Handed Return Yessss ! Ken Wade ABPE, DPAGB, LRPS Hair Raising Jump Hard Tackle Return Ball Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB AFIAP BPE4* Flying Rugby Tackle Larry Walker DPAGB BPE2 Liana Nausicaa On The Box Carol Walker Dahlia In Close Alan Walker MPAGB, ARPS,ABPE,MPSA,EFIAP Long Jump Landing Malice Steve Walters EFIAP BPE3 Ella Pashley Anna Warrington LRPS,ARPS,BPE4*,DPAGB I Cleared The Wire! Gordon Watson ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, PPSA Eyes To Heaven Heilan Coo Nigel Wells LRPS, BPE3 Duel In The Dirt JENNIFER ANNE WESCOMBE Swirling Voile Malcolm Whetton Ellie Carolyn Whetton Lady In White Sue White BPE3 Marble Arch Michael Whitehead Caught By The Pack Michael Whittaker CPAGB BPE4* These Accounts Don't Balance Retired Champ LES WIGGIN AFIAP, BPE2 Dance In Motion Emergence Lurking In The Shadows Janice Wilding On The Scales Refraction Andrea Wilson CPAGB, BPE3 Crunch Tackle Christine Wood LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Island Of Trees Vestrahorn And Grasses ALAN YOUNG EFIAP/D3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB PPSA ES.CPE Broom Returns Deroulede Serves
Linda Bell DPAGB AWPF BPE5* EFIAP GPU2 LRPS Pearls And Curves Chris Evans AWPF , BPE3 ,AFIAP Twr Mawr Lighthouse julia hodson AFIAP BPE1 Tango Past And Present David Hopes DPAGB EFIAP BPE1 Bottom Spin Going For It Urban Scooter Flip Andy Polakowski BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/D1 GPU-VIP2 Cellophilia Robert Prenton Jones BPE 5 EFIAP D/1 AWPS Brief Encounter Whitechapel Richard Walliker LRPS St Paul's

Gold Medal

Bob Cat Chasing Prey Under The Snow by Alan Walker MPAGB, ARPS,ABPE,MPSA,EFIAP - United Kingdom


Selector Award

European Bee-Eaters by Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5 - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Orange Tip Pair On Buttercup by Stephen Moon - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Jay Landing With Acorn by Martin Vaughan FRPS, BPE5* - United Kingdom


Chairperson Award

Mating Robber Flies by Christine Holt LRPS DPAGB BPE3* - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Dartford Warbler In A Breeze by Nigel Gidney DPAGB QPSA BPE2* - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Leaping Gentoo by Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Sparrow Hawk With Prey by Sean Rooney - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Bee-Eater Food Pass by Roger Geldard DPAGB, ABPE - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Contemplation by bob humphreys EFIAP,DPAGB,BPE2 - Scotland


Highly Commended

Hoopoe Courtship by STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* - England


Highly Commended

Barn Swallow Drinking by STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* - England



Dung Fly Resting On Nettle by Ken Wade ABPE, DPAGB, LRPS - United Kingdom



Red Fox Listening For Rodents by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4 - United Kingdom



Curlew At Dawn by Andrea Wilson CPAGB, BPE3 - United Kingdom



Cranes In The Snow by Sue Blythe - United Kingdom



Narrow-Winged Damselfly On Soft-Rush Stem by Michael Thornton - United Kingdom



Female Chaffinch by Jim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE4* - England



Monterey Jellyfish by Niall Ferguson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE*** - United Kingdom



Male Bearded Reedling With Seeds by Lyn Newnham - United Kingdom



Fritillary On Grass Seed Head by Neville Turton AFIAP - United Kingdom


Best Beyond Group Member

White-Tailed Eagle Disagreement by Paul Smith DPAGB AWPF LSINWP BPE5 - England


Special Theme

Sparrowhawk With Starling by Jim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE4* - England


Special Theme

Clownfish In Bubble Anemone by Gill O'Meara DPAGB BPE3 - United Kingdom


Kath Aggiss ABPE Light Emerald Moth On Camelia Northern Wheatear Pine Hawkmoth On Foxglove Hilary Bailey DPAGB, LRPS, BPE1* Evening Alert PHILLIP BARBER MPAGB FBPE Female Kestrel With Kill Haydn Bartlett FSINWP LSWPP DPAGB BPE1 Diving Kingfisher Squacco In Flight Squacco Heron With Fish Andrew Baxter Food For Two Willow Warbler Feeding Gavin Brand BPE1* Rufous Tailed Hummingbird Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2 Polar Bear Eating A Long Dead Whale Wayne Davey AWPF DPAGB BPE5* Dartford Warbler On Gorse Cuckoo Feeding Catch Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB Snow Monkey Caught Out By A Wave Christopher Gledhill EFIAP/P DPAGB Great Egret With Fish Julie Hall CPAGB, BPE3, QPSA Black Guillemot Taking Flight Jay Hallsworth DPAGB, EPSA, EFIAP/B, BPE4 A Pod Of Five Dolphins Lynda Haney EFIAP ABPE DPAGB Kestrel Walking Litle Owl Landing Wren With Insects Steve Hatch DPAGB BPE3 Skylark Collecting Food. Banded Demoiselle On Cow Parsley. Ann Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE5* Broad-Bordered Bee-Hawk Moth Squabbling Nutcrackers Stephen Hitchen DPAGB, AFIAP,BPE5 Dartford Warbler At Drinking Pool Wasp In Flight Collecting Mud Ball Robert Holgate CAPGB BPE1 Eating On The Wing STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* Dalmation Pelican In Flight Hoopoe Courtship Barn Swallow Drinking Yealand Kalfayan ARPS BPSA CPAGB Dew Covered Spotted Fritillaries Pairing Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Goshawk In Snow Barbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/S AWPF Damselfly On Ribwort Plantain Ruth Lochrie CPAGB, BPE3* The Dawn Flight Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Goldfinch On Shaggy Parasol Mushroom Jay Reflection Christine Mallett BPE3* CPAGB AFIAP Leopard Staring Match Jim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE4* Female Chaffinch Sparrowhawk With Starling Steve Myall EFIAP/B BPE5 Giant Asian Mantis Carcina Quercana Suzanne Parsons LRPS Glanville Fritilleries Mating Silver Studded Blue And Ant Paul Smith DPAGB AWPF LSINWP BPE5 Juvenile Kestrel Begging For Food White-Taile Eagle Air Battle White-Tailed Eagle Disagreement Gillian Steyn BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP EPSA Buzzard Feeding In The Wind Grebe Turning Eggs In Nest Barry Thompson LRPS, DPAGB, BPE4* Crab Spider Nest Guarding In The Rain Sue Vernon DPAGB. BPE4* Great Crested Grebe With Catch jennifer margaret. webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/P BPE 5 A Crafty Look From A Red Fox carole wetherley CPAGB BPE3* Greater Spotted Male Woodpecker Allan Wild CPAGB. BPE2 Hazel Sawfly Bonnet Group Paired Blue Damselflies Kevin wiliams DPAGB BPE3*AWPF Chalkhills At Dawn Kerkini Pelicans At Daybreak Woody And Starling Standoff Dawn Liasion Jane Wiltshire DPAGB, BPE3 Bearded Tit In Reeds
Chris Briggs CPAGB BPE3* Whitethroat Alan Campbell It My Branch Owen Cochrane Lily Pad Walker bob humphreys EFIAP,DPAGB,BPE2 2 Golden Eagles The Homecoming Contemplation Jim Stevenson EFIAP, BPE4, CPAGB Blue Weevil Great Crested Grebe And Chick Kite Fight Keith Thorburn EFIAP/B LRPS CPAGB Not Enjoying The Rain
Terri Adcock LRPS DPAGB EPSA EFIAP/S Calling Cuckoo Demanding Youngsters Zara Bampton AFIAP Flies Mating Damselflies Mating Kevin Barnes DPAGB BPE5 Jumping Little Owl Ellen Bell BPE3* CPAGB Common Blue Darter Tawny Owl David Bennion Male Kestrel Peregrine Falcon With Pigeon Prey Elisa Best Elephant Charge Squacco Heron Fishing Leopard Grooming Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2 In Flight Meal Wasps Watering Sue Blythe Stellar Sea Eagles On Ice Whooper Swan Landing On Snow A Mothers Love Cranes In The Snow Wayne Brace Banded Demoiselle At Roost Common Blue On Forget Me Not Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA Little Owl With Mouse In The Rain Reed Warbler Feeding Young Cuckoo Raymond Keith Brammall ARPS EFIAP/G DPAGB APAGB Great Reed Warbler Little Owl Colin Brett CPAGB BPE3* Resting Broad-Bodied Chaser Gill Brett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* Helina Impuncta David Brown ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/B BPE2 Curlew Coming In To Land Robert Buchan CPAGB, BPE1 Brown Bear Osprey Fishing Mother And Cub Paul Buckley CPAGB Egret In Flight Philip Burt LRPS A Dusty Descent Michael Byrne Just Warming Up Carl Campbell Blue Tit - Incoming Delivery Michele Campbell CPAGB. BPE3 Gottcha Lunch Helen Cherry Masked Swan Graham Clegg LRPS, AFIAP, DPAGB, BPE3 Black Veined White Butterfly Black Veined White On Bluebell Little Owl Searching For Food Eddie Cocozza ABPE CPAGB Dipper Carrying Insects Dipper Feeding It's Young Alan Cork EPAGB EFIAP/B PPSA LRPS BPE3* Camberwell Beauty On Salvia Audrey Couchman AFIAP CPAGB BPE4* Bath White On Poppy European Bee Eater Food Pass Ferg Cowhig DPAGB, EFIAP/B, BPE5* Pied Kingfisher Juggling Catch Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP AWPF PPSA Bee Eater Pass Leaping Little Owl Black Crowned Night Heron Louisa Crossley Frosty Fungus Derek Crunkhorn LRPS, CPAGB, BPE3* Cheetah Cubs Amanda Cunningham CPAGB Reed Warbler With Damselfly Cuckoo On Lichen Liz Cutting ARPS DPAGB BPE5 Fiery-Throated Hummingbird Leopard Carrying Cub Ann Dallaway Life On The Edge Sheelagh Davidson CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3*, LRPS Quarelling Starlings.Jpg Chris Dawson CPAGB Mating Asparagus Beetles (Crioceris Asparagi) Christine Dickinson Dickinson DPAGB,BPE4*,EFIAP,EPSA,GPUCR2,L.APS/B Starling Squabble Andrew John Donkin CPAGB BPE4* Otter Eating Tim Downton ARPS DPAGB Aerial Attack Steve Duncan LRPS BPE1 Brinstone Green-Veined White David Elder LRPS CPAGB AFIAP Marsh Fritillary At Dawn Mating Marbled Whites Jacqueline Evans Welsh Primitive Goats Niall Ferguson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE*** Monterey Jellyfish Mary Fish DPAGB, BPE3 Cuckoo And Sedge Warbler Cuckoos Mating Richard Fulcher CPAGB BPE5* Badger Exploration Pine Marten At Night Roger Geldard DPAGB, ABPE Hummingbird Dispute Watchful Eagles Bee-Eater Food Pass Nigel Gidney DPAGB QPSA BPE2* Fox Cub Stare Dartford Warbler In A Breeze Sheila Giles DPAGB, AV-AFIAP, BPE1* Timor Shield Praying Mantis Dennis Gilman BPE3* Common Tern Scooping A Drink Oystercatcher With Green Crab Sandy Gilmour DPAGB; BPE2; ASINWP Goldfinch On Wild Flower Frozen Oyster Mushrooms John Glover BPE2. LIPF, AFIAP Up For Air Brian Goode Paired For Life Tony Green Black Beauty Stick Insect Mating. James Grimmitt BPE1 Mid-Flight Feed John Haddon Mycena Cluster Orange Tip And Fly Wood Whites On Pendulus Sedge Bill Hall DPAGB EFIAP FBPE Agrocybe Aegerita David Halliburton CPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE2* GPUCR2 Cleared For Landing Stewart Haynes ARPS DPAGB European Bee-Eaters King Penguins At Volunteer Point Broad-Borderred Bee Hawkmoth Antillean Crested Hummingbird Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* Penguin Pals Leaping Gentoo Jane Henthorn Backlit Leptidea Sinapis (Wood White) Janette Hill LRPS AWPF BPE3 King Penguin Chick Mating Oystercatchers Christine Holt LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Great Tit Landing Hummingbird Moth Mating Robber Flies MUNIER HOSSAIN Banded Demoiselle Face To Face The Odd Couple David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE4 Dew Soaked Apollo On Dianthus Red Fox Listening For Rodents MALCOLM JOHN DPAGB BPE2 Red Cap Fly Agaric Eileen Jones CPAGB, BPE4 Stork Rebuilding The Nest Gill Jones BPE3* Robin In Snow Patricia Keegan BPE1 European Shag And Chick On Nest Charles Kidd BPE4,EFIAP,DPAGB Buzzard Confrontation Griffon Vulture Eating Rabbit- Griffon Vulture Magpie Confrontation Northern Harrier With Quail Fiona Kilgour Not So Famous Grouse Ray Kilham LRPS, CPAGB, HON CPE European Brown Bear In Snow Storm Diana Knight X Ground Hornbill Feeding The Huntress Alun Lambert BPE3 Dagger Fly Robberfly Pedro Landers CPAGB Snowy Egret Dispute Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE4 Stag In Morning Mist Jim Laws AFIAP LRPS BPE3 CPAGB Dryad's Saddle Stephen Laycock Assassin Fly Twig Parachute Fungi (Marasmiellus Ramealis) Silver Studded Blues In Cop Nick Leonard Bearded Reedling Ken Lester DPAGB BPE3 AWPF Tawny Owl Dee Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Male Siskin On Apple Blossom Tricoloured Heron Peter Maguire LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* Rhinos At Dawn Judy Mainwaring BPE2 Male Cuckoo In Flight Stephen Mallender BPE1 Stag's Horn Steve Marriott CPAGB BPE1* Barn Owl Back Lit At Dusk Fledgling Kestrel Carol Martin LRPS, DPAGB, BPE1 Fox Altercation Darron Matthews FRPS EPAGB ABPE EFIAP Male White Ermine Moths On White Campion Gate Keeper With Dew Buff Tip Moths On Selfheal Ian McDonald DPAGB Kestrel In Flight David Mckay ARPS, BPE5 Pine Marten Kenny McLean CPAGB BPE2* AFIAP GPU-CR2 Harvest Mouse Carol McNiven Young FRPS, EFIAP/S, DPAGB, ABPE Reef Shark Diving Turtle In Caribbean Sea Gordon Mills Bluethroat CHRIS MONCRIEFF CPAGB BPE4 EFIAP/G LRPS GM.APS Redshank Courtship Stephen Moon Little Blue Heron & Snake Orange Tip And Small White Orange Tip Pair On Buttercup Gillian Moon Green-Veined White Butterfly Pair Reddish Egret On The Hunt Great Blue Heron With Catch Orange Tip Butterfly On Buttercup Nigel Morgan Lilac Breasted Roller In Flight Jane Morris Abson LRPS DPAGB EFIAP Leopard On The Lookout Cheetah At Full Tllt philip newman ARPS AFIAP BPE4 Non Breeding Male Ruff (Peripheral) Sedge Warbler On Reed Lyn Newnham Bee Eater Offering A Bee Male Bearded Reedling With Seeds derek Nimmo CPAGB BPE1 Kingfisher With Double Catch Sue O'Connell FIPF DPAGB EFIAP/D3 EPSA ABPE Welcome Refreshment Mara River Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE5 Bittern Over Reed Bed Goldfinch Collecting Wool Ritteri Anemone With Clownfish Gill O'Meara DPAGB BPE3 Grebes Weed Dance Greenfinch Feud Clownfish In Bubble Anemone Norman O'Neill EFIAP/B DPAGB BPE5* Bubbling Fly Dawn Osborn FRPS, EFIAP/B, BPE5*, DPAGB. Hungry King Penguin Chick And Parent Little Owl About To Land Helen Otton BPE4*, CPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS Suckling Fawn Mothers Tail Vicky Outen CPAGB Black Tailed Godwits Squabbling Common Tern Feeding Chick Roger Parker DPAGB Brown Bear Finland Golden Eagle Feeding On Red Fox Red Deer, Glen Etive Phil Peat CPAGB EFIAP, BPE3* Brown Pelican In Flight Simon Peters Marbled Whites On Seed Head Kevin Pigney ARPS DPAGB Kestrel Hunting Sz Kingfisher Emerging Ian Pinn Amethyst Deceiver Group Fungus On Pine Cone Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5 Globetail Hoverflies Mating Mayfly, Ephemera Danica European Bee-Eaters Richard Poskitt Gannet Feeding. Paula Potter Amazon Milk Frog Darren Probert Fly With Pollen Stacey Purkiss Brown Argus Butterfly Undercarriage Of A Green Shield Bug Wasp Simon Rigby Backlit Snail Linda Robertson Common Darter Sean Rooney Inquisitive Brown Hare Tawny Owl Sparrow Hawk With Prey Jeremy Roussak ARPS Common Blue Damselfly Right Of Way David Sadler ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/G, BPE5*, LBIPP Perithous Scurra Wasp Mick Sadler ARPS BPE1 Honey Bee Apis vincent scothern EFIAP PPSA DPAGB BPE5 Feuding Black Tailed Godwits Marbled White Meadow Brown John Scotten ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Silver Washed Fritillary Mike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB FBPE ARPS EFIAP Buzzard And Pigeon Suzanne Shaw CPAGB Gannet Coming In To Land Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB Common Tern Feeding Young Joan Sheppard AFIAP, DPAGB,BPE3 Leopard Catching Flies, Masai Mara Male Lion, Masai Mara JOHN SIMPSON At The Foot Of Kilimanjaro Peter Smith ARPS Crab Sider On Flower Female Bearded Reedling With Seed Ian Smith CPAGB Mallard Feeding Trout Keith Snell EFIAP EPSA LRPS Bison Head To Head Following The Guillemot Mike Taylor Laughing Hyaena Colin Thornhill DPAGB BPE3 Lucy's Warbler On Ocotillo Michael Thornton Golden-Bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle Narrow-Winged Damselfly On Soft-Rush Stem Dawn Tierney Crocodile With Catch Africa David Travis ARPS BPE4* Male Woodpecker Feeding Young Marble White On Yellow Rattle Long-Tailed Tit On Scarlet Elf Cup Fungus Burnet Moth Ron Trevis BPE3* Eyelash Pit Viper Eyelash Viper Robert Tunstall White Ermine Moth Miles Turnbull Barn Owl With Chick Greater Spotted Woodpecker Feeding Chick Neville Turton AFIAP Paper Wasp Fritillary On Grass Seed Head Martin Vaughan FRPS, BPE5* Nuthatch Drinks From Scarlet Elf Cup Woodpecker Landing In Snowstorm Jay Landing With Acorn Ken Wade ABPE, DPAGB, LRPS Mating Shield Bugs Dung Fly Resting On Nettle Paul Wagstaff ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE*3 Baby Starlings Battling Jay Eating Mouse Fledgling Starlings Fighting Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB AFIAP BPE4* Grey Heron Fishing At Night Hoopoe Feeding Young Juvenile Kestrel Stepping Out Sandra Walker AFIAP BPE4 CPAGB Starlings Wasp Building Nest Alan Walker MPAGB, ARPS,ABPE,MPSA,EFIAP Barn Owl Confrontation Successful Catch Bob Cat Chasing Prey Under The Snow Steve Walters EFIAP BPE3 Small Skipper In The Rain Tony Ware Hornbill Anna Warrington LRPS,ARPS,BPE4*,DPAGB Black Grouse Fighting During Lek Juvenile White-Tailed Eagle Marching James West LRPS BPE2 Mountain Hare On The Run Peter West Sparrowhawk Kingfisher Eye To Eye Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB MFIAP APAGB Young Kudu, Namibia Malcolm Whetton Safe & Cosy Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE5 Marbled White And Small Skipper LES WIGGIN AFIAP, BPE2 Panther Chameleon Feeding Gate Landing Janice Wilding Brown Lipped Snail Peter Williams BPE2 CPAGB Osprey With Catch Andrea Wilson CPAGB, BPE3 Coenosia Tigrina Blowing A Bubble Male Yellow Dung Fly After Rain Click Beetle Curlew At Dawn Christine Wood LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Male Red Grouse In Habitat Sparrowhawk With Prey Philip Young DPAGB BPE3* Bee-Eaters
Linda Bell DPAGB AWPF BPE5* EFIAP GPU2 LRPS White Tailed Sea Eagle Checking His Catch Silver Studded Blues En Cop Andy Polakowski BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/D1 GPU-VIP2 Baby Chimp

Gold Medal

Sunrise In Tuscany by Sandy Gilmour DPAGB; BPE2; ASINWP - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Behind The Waterfall by Paul O'Donnell - United Kingdom


Selector Award

Winter Light On The Birds by Keith Thorburn EFIAP/B LRPS CPAGB - Scotland


Selector Award

Port Allen by David Sadler ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/G, BPE5*, LBIPP - United Kingdom


Chairperson Award

Milky Way Over Tenerife by Carole Brown LRPS, AFIAP - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Icy Sunset by Jim Stevenson EFIAP, BPE4, CPAGB - Scotland


Highly Commended

Autumn Tuscanscape by Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB BPE2 - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Reads In The Mist - Tom Swallow by Tom Swallow CPAGB - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Elgol by Brian Maguire LRPS - United Kingdom


Highly Commended

Stanage Edge Sunset by Barbara Thompson BPE1 BPAGB - United Kingdom



Misty Norfolk Dawn by Gavin Duxbury BPE3* CPAGB - England



Inverscaddle Bay On A Winters Morning by Keith Thorburn EFIAP/B LRPS CPAGB - Scotland



Knaps Loch Sunrise by George Gray CPAGB, BPE1 - United Kingdom



A Little Bit Windy by George Gray CPAGB, BPE1 - United Kingdom



Emerging Shoreline by Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB BPE2 - United Kingdom



Lakeland Mist by Tom Bowett FRPS BPE3 - United Kingdom


Best Beyond Group Member

First Light Martlesham by Brian Goad LRPS CPAGB BPE2* - United Kingdom


Special Theme

The View From Stokksnes by Nick Leonard - United Kingdom


Martin Gray LRPS Turning Tide At Spur Point
Stuart Chapman ARPS Dinas Dinlle Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2 Lone Tree, Hokkaido Mokoto Pass Wayne Davey AWPF DPAGB BPE5* Sunrise Kissed Mountain Boathouse Sunset Etive Mor Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB Lone Tree, Twistleton Scar Gavin Duxbury BPE3* CPAGB Tsunami Cloud Misty Norfolk Dawn Steve Field ARPS EFIAP/B AIPF AWPF BPE2* Stormy Porthcawl Christopher Gledhill EFIAP/P DPAGB Autumn Reflections Jay Hallsworth DPAGB, EPSA, EFIAP/B, BPE4 Sunrise At Cobbolds Point The Shard Alistair How LRPS Castle Stalker In Mid Winter STEVEN HOYLE CPAGB, BPE2* Heavy Mist At Rydal Water Barbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/S AWPF Cypress Trees Tuscany Ruth Lochrie CPAGB, BPE3* Sligachan-1 Brian Moore Morning Mist Lone Tree High Water Jim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE4* Braving The Storm Troubled Waters Christopher Netton Tuscan Sunset Suzanne Parsons LRPS River Coe Carol Watson DPAGB ABPE EFIAP PPSA Stormy Skies Over Hamnoy carole wetherley CPAGB BPE3* City Of Gold
Gordon Doughty AFIAP BPE2 Moon And Aurora Over Jura Bruce Harley EFIAP/B, C***MOL, DPAGB, BPE4* Cottage In The Valley Fairy Pools And The Black Cuillins bob humphreys EFIAP,DPAGB,BPE2 Dark River Jim Stevenson EFIAP, BPE4, CPAGB Icy Sunset Keith Thorburn EFIAP/B LRPS CPAGB Loch Linnhe On A Winters Morning Winter Light On The Birds Inverscaddle Bay On A Winters Morning Diane Thurlow BPE1 Sand Pattern, Lofoten
Stephen Ball LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2* Consuming Waves Stephen Bavill Storm Clouds Over The Black Mountains Tom Bowett FRPS BPE3 Lakeland Mist Colin Bradshaw MPAGB, ABPE, EFIAP, EPSA Skyfall Waterfall Colin Brett CPAGB BPE3* Stour Sunrise Low Light At The Low Light Carole Brown LRPS, AFIAP Milky Way Over Tenerife Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE5* Black Dunes At Vestrahorn Lonely House At Arnarstapi Stokksnes Kirkjufell View Scott Coe BP3* AWPF Skogafoss Phil Cole LRPS CPAGB Vestrahorn In Afternoon Light Northern Lights From Lofoten Alan Cork EPAGB EFIAP/B PPSA LRPS BPE3* Torre Dei Scarperi Tony Cowburn High Tide At Kimmeridge Bay Corfe Castle Early Morning Ferg Cowhig DPAGB, EFIAP/B, BPE5* Crummock Water Sand And Sky Winding Stream At Sunrise Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP AWPF PPSA Mist Over Belvedere Vestrahorn In Morning Light Christopher Cross LRPS BPE1 Thames Barrier Andrew John Donkin CPAGB BPE4* Plas Power Waterfall David Elder LRPS CPAGB AFIAP The Fairy Pools Jacqueline Evans Llyn Padarn, Llanberis Kirkjufellsfossar, Iceland Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB BPE2 Autumn Tuscanscape Emerging Shoreline Richard Fulcher CPAGB BPE5* Clachaig Falls The Old Man Awakens Vestrahorn Sandy Gilmour DPAGB; BPE2; ASINWP Evening Light At Eilan Donan In Spate Sunrise In Tuscany Aleks Gjika EFIAP DPAGB Glenfinnan Viaduct Glenco Mountains Mumbles Lighthouse John Glover BPE2. LIPF, AFIAP Sunbeam Brian Goad LRPS CPAGB BPE2* First Light Martlesham John Gravett Evening Light, Vikten George Gray CPAGB, BPE1 Bow Fiddle Sunrise Knaps Loch Sunrise A Little Bit Windy Bryan Griffiths BPE2* AFIAP Llanddwyn Island David Halliburton CPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE2* GPUCR2 Pink Dawn Jennifer Hibbert BPE2* EFIAP/G MPAGB AWPF Tree In The Mountains Of Glencoe Janette Hill LRPS AWPF BPE3 Champagne Pools Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS,CPAGB,BPE3 Cathedral Cove Nz September Mist Cathy Holgate A Busy Sunrise Iain Jack Moraine Lake Martin Janes BPE 5* Rhossili Beach MALCOLM JOHN DPAGB BPE2 End Of The Day, Bawdsey Dave Jowitt AWPF EFIAP/B BPE1 Cedryn Farmhouse Tillman Kleinhans ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE5* HONLCPU Twisleton Tree Pedro Landers CPAGB Windy Post Jim Laws AFIAP LRPS BPE3 CPAGB Frosty Morning At How Hill Nick Leonard The Volcano And The Aurora The View From Stokksnes Ken Lester DPAGB BPE3 AWPF Evening Glow On The River As The Sun Goes Down Helen Mackay LRPS CPAGB AFIAP Bow Fiddle Rock High Tide At Cobbolds Point Brian Maguire LRPS Elgol Stephen Mallender BPE1 Harvest Sunset Phil Mallin Belvedere Fattoria Ebb And Flow Revealing Tide Carol Martin LRPS, DPAGB, BPE1 Sunrise Over Cromer Pier Mary Maynard BPE3 CPAGB Overflow marcia mellor ABPE DPAGB AWPF Last Light At Trebarwith Strand CHRIS MONCRIEFF CPAGB BPE4 EFIAP/G LRPS GM.APS Vik Church Iceland Anna Moss BPE2* Tenaya Lake Mary Nash CPAGB 5.Vale Of Pewsey derek Nimmo CPAGB BPE1 Hamnoy Village Tranquil Lofoten Paul O'Donnell Tuscan Sunrise Behind The Waterfall Dawn Osborn FRPS, EFIAP/B, BPE5*, DPAGB. Lenticular Clouds Over Mount Rundle Helen Otton BPE4*, CPAGB, EFIAP, LRPS Light Between Storms Godrevy Llynnau Mymbyr Roger Parker DPAGB Lighthouse At Newhaven Alistair Peacock Evening At Bow Fiddle Rock Simon Peters South Gare Sunrise Ian Pinn From Dark To Light Crowlista Dawn Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/B BPE3* Evening Sun On The Lavender Field David Portwain ARPS, CPAGB Misty Forest, Madiera Sandra Robertson BPE1 Sun Rise Mann Torr Sun Rise Walk George Robertson DPAGB, BPE3* Last Light On Layla Peak Jeremy Roussak ARPS Mesa Arch Claire Russell BPAGB, BPE1 Night Sky Over Donegal Fields David Sadler ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/G, BPE5*, LBIPP That Wanake Tree River Don Sheffield Port Allen Michael Schofield The Cauldron, Glencoe Three Sisters, Glencoe Winter's Day (1 Of 1) David Shardlow LRPS, BPE3 Dinorwic Relic Guardian Of The Forest Snowdon Smoke And Steam Mike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB FBPE ARPS EFIAP Icelandic Skys Towards The Shard Vestrahorn Morning Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB Aurora Borealis, Vestrahorn Iceland Icy Beach At Vestrahorn Joan Sheppard AFIAP, DPAGB,BPE3 Val D'orcia Pam Sherren AFIAP/P DPAGB ABPE Still Waters White Christmas JOHN SIMPSON Autumn Light Over Keld-1 Storm Over Neist Point Mark Sims BPE4* ARPS CPAGB Sunrise At Thurne Mill Peter Smith ARPS The Breach Bawdsey Sunrise Maureen Smith LRPS BPE1 Out To The Horizon Tom Swallow CPAGB Reads In The Mist - Tom Swallow Barbara Thompson BPE1 BPAGB Stanage Edge Sunset David Travis ARPS BPE4* Lofoten First Light Anna Warrington LRPS,ARPS,BPE4*,DPAGB Aurora And Borhella Lighthouse Aurora Reflections With Light Pollution Shadows At The Callanish Stones Gordon Watson ABPE, DPAGB, EFIAP, PPSA Vestrahorn Evening Light Nigel Wells LRPS, BPE3 Pastel Sunrise Malcolm Whetton Bamburgh Castle Loch Freda LES WIGGIN AFIAP, BPE2 Castlerigg Standing Stones Christine Wood LRPS CPAGB BPE3* Bagh Steinigidh - Harris Stokksnes Winter Dawn
Gwilym Jones BPE2 Ogwen Valley Morning Has Broken