Exhibitions Organisation Registration

Hello! This is where you register your club/organisation on pixoroo in order to run and manage international photography salons.

Your account details

Your details

Your organisation/club details
Types of exhibitions (select one or more)

(*) Required Fields

Register to run and manage photographic exhibitions.

All the tools you need to run and manage your photography competition.

  • Set up a photography exhibition in a few simple steps
  • Internet/browser based photo exhibition judging software
  • Manage and run your exhibition anywhere in the world without needing any extra hardware
  • Easy and fully featured interfaces that allow you to quick and easy set up a exhibition, manage judging, communicate with entrants and produce useful reports.
  • Fully responsive design allowes to carry out all functionaly via your mobile phone
  • Pixoroo is a fully cloud based, built on latest Microsoft Technologies
  • All Data stored on Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Comes with Microsoft SLA and a 99.99% guaranteed availability
  • Pay per entered section makes your costs managable, proportional and affordable.
  • For more about pixoroo for competition organisers click here. More features coming soon....

If you have not run a photography before and are planing to run one, we offer free advice and plenty of know-how to get your started quickly for free. If you are already running a salon, we can help to migrate some or all of your existing data to pixoroo.