Photo Galleries

Our gallery building tool enables you to build beautiful and professional looking photo galleries efficiently. To create galleries you can either just add some pictures and let Pixoroo create and finish off your galleries for you or you are someone who likes to spend time and produce manually perfected thumbnails and images you have to tools to do it manually.

Example gallery
Bootstrap Themes

Manage all gallery properties and headers with easy to reach tools

The design of the application is a such that the tools needed to manage galleries are only one click away no mater what screen you are.

  • Edit gallery properties such as name, description, custom SEO metadata
  • Add a sub gallery to a parent gallery
  • Delete and recreate a gallery at any level
  • Navigate/edit to any of the sub galleries from any of the parent galleries
  • Edit gallery header images and all it properties
  • Drag and drop thumbnails to reorder as wished

From within a gallery, reach and edit any of the sub galleries with a click

If you are building multiple level galleries, a parent gallery can contain any number of sub galleries. Reaching and editing these sub galleries can be done from many screens with great convenience. The right tools are always there when you need them!

Bootstrap Themes
Bootstrap Themes

Working with gallery images

Our gallery building tool offers a fantastic set of tool that allow you to:

  • Edit image properties such as name, description, custom SEO metadata etc.
  • Replace image thumbnail or the image itself without the need to re-write other properties
  • Naviage to product building page where you can configure and/or edit an image as a product for sale
  • A host of other indicators showing whether an image is active, on sale, showing on home page gallery etc.

Note: As our website uses a unique One Image Design galleries do not actually have any images, all the images belong in the library. This not only make creating a managing galleries very quick and easy but it allows you to assign an image to as many galleries as you can with just a click and without having to replicate the image on the website.

Client Galleries

Whilst our gallery building tool is easy to use and manage your images, ultimately what your visitors see on your website what matters. We are proud to say that your galleries will look even more elegant on your website also allowing user to view the images on lightbox or navigate to the image's own page, buy etc.

Example gallery