Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: 12-June-2024

This Acceptable Use Policy presents some examples of prohibited conduct in connection with our Services.

We expect Pixoroo users to use the platform responsibly. As a Pixoroo user you agree not to misuse the Services or help anyone else do so. Below are some guidelines for what you should not do with the Services.

1. Abusing And Disrupting The Services

1.a. Don't test the vulnerability of any system or network for any reason.

1.b. Don't breach or try to bypass any security or authentication system.

1.c. Don't access or try to access areas of the Services which are not public.

1.d. Don't inject malware or try to overload the Services.

1.e. Don't access or try to access the source code or algorithms.

1.f. Don't use any interfaces that are not publically presented by the Services for access.

1.g. Don't share your credentials with anyone or allow others to jointly use your account.

1.h. Don't remove any copyright or other proprietary notices and marks from the Services

2. Spamming And Phishing

2.a. Don't use our Services to send spam, emails that violate CAN-SPAM or other laws, emails to people who have not explicitly consented (where such consent is required) or other unsolicited communications (bulk or otherwise), promotions or advertisements. Note, we reserve the right to determine what constitutes spam.

2.b. Don't send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information (including any misleading or incorrect names, email addresses, subject lines), including without limitation phishing or spoofing.

3. Impersonating Others

3.a. Don't do anything that's false, fraudulent, inaccurate or deceiving.

3.b. Don't impersonate another person, company or entity.

3.c. Don't engage in misleading or unethical marketing or advertising.

4. Infringing, Misappropriating And Violating Rights

4.a. Don't infringe or misappropriate anyone's copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.

4.b. Don't violate anyone's privacy or publicity rights.

5. Other Improper Or Illegal Conduct

5.a. Don't threaten, harass, or abuse any individuals.

5.b. Don't incite violence.

5.c. Don't publish sexually explicit or obscene material.

5.d. Don't condone or promote self-harm.

5.e. Don't condone or promote violence against any person or group based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, age or disability.

5.f. Don't violate any laws through the Services, including without limitation all local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content.

If we conclude, in our discretion, that you have misused the Services, we may take action against your Account or Your Sites. We try to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases we reserve the right to remove any content or suspend or terminate your Account or Your Sites, without any refund of any amounts paid for the Services, without liability or notice to you, at any time and for any reason (except where prohibited by applicable law). We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforce, this Acceptable Use Policy in our sole discretion.